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Konoha In Red - Naruto RP Site

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Konoha In Red - Naruto RP Site Empty Konoha In Red - Naruto RP Site

Post by Alarix Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:21 am

Konoha In Red - Naruto RP Site KiRbanner

Even as the Seventh Hokage is laid to his final rest tensions within the village he fought to keep peace in for 80 years rise. His daughter, the newly selected Eigthth Hokage, is untrusted and unliked by the people she claims to protect. As a new group of Leaf Shinobi begin their journeys into greatness with the Village they swore to protect come crashing down around them!

Follow the link provided to join a new Naruto RP group set over one hundred years after the time of everyone's favorite Jinjurinki. A new group with a system that promises, reward, intrigue, friendship, even death! A growing group of devoted writers works to include you into a world where you don't just take part in a war, you shape it. Konoha in Red is accepting Applications now, We can't wait to see you on the battlefield!

Konoha In Red


Posts : 1
Join date : 2012-04-25

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